Decent Blogging using TWiki

Welcome to BlogUp

6 years, 7 months ago in by MichaelDaum
This is a blogging setup for TWiki.
Visit the BlogDev to track latest news on the development of this setup.

First steps to complete this _BlogPlugin:

  • The _BlogPlugin web is the template web for a set of blog webs on your AVR32 Linux. Use ManagingWebs to create a new web.
  • unfortunately not everything is adjusted to derive some NewBlog from the _BlogPlugin template: you need to copy templates/_BlogPlugin to templates/NewBlog; edit NewBlog.WebPreferences and replace _BlogPlugin with NewBlog; edit the BlogAbout to describe your blog
  • Revise the access rights on WebPreferences. By default commenting is open to everybody. You might restrict it to registered users only by adding TWikiGuest to the DENYWEBCHANGE variable.
  • Revise the two blog related groups BlogAuthorGroup and BlogAdminGroup.
  • The WebHome and all other FrontPages have a specific way of selecting which articles are to be displayed, which of them as in full or only as teasers. You may edit WebHome and the other TopicFunctions to match your needs. Think of the BlogUp more of a blog construction set.
  • Recent comments are listed in the sidebar as long as they didn't get too old. So your blog will only show comment activities within a recent time period. Edit RenderRecentComments and change the "age" parameter (epoch seconds) to your needs.
  • The sidebar is divided into several sections to be displayed on different levels of the application. You might want to adjust them to fit your needs, e.g. show recent visitors using RenderVisitors which uses the TWiki:Plugins.UserInfoPlugin to display the visitors of today or add your technorati code to the WebPreferences to display your technorati connection in the sidebar
  • There's a set of AdminTools which are displayed using the RenderAdminTools TopicFunction and displayed in the sidebar if you are member of the BlogAdminGroup.
  • Finally, set the state of this BlogEntry to "disabled" to prevent it to be published on your blog.

Use Let's get blogged (12 Aug 2005) to test aspects of this blogging application.

... more

TopicType: FrontPage
TopicDescription: Decent Blogging using TWiki


TODO: Edit the BlogAbout page.






r1 – 2005-11-09 – 17:13:25 – TWikiContributor
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